Interior Home Remodeling Experts
Kitchen and Bathroom Remodels Thousand Oaks
We offer top quality bath and kitchen remodeling services for the interior of your home. This may consist of removing walls and reframing the floor plan to suite your current needs. Or it could be as simple as removing and patching outdated half walls, dividers and things that no longer give your home a modern feel with a simple kitchen remodel. Just like in the fashion industry, home design styles change with the times. If your home was built many decades ago it may not suite the current desires of our culture for a home layout.
One of the most common needs in an interior remodel is updating the bathrooms and kitchen. These are some of the most detailed and useful improvements for a home that’s been around for many years and simply a little bathroom remodeling can go a long way in your home renovation. This is due to wear and tear of normal usage and also because of the new materials available now that weren’t even around before. We can increase the enjoyment of your home by remodeling these areas, and we specialize in this. But there are a multitude if other things that can be done to remodel the interior to make the house a dream home!
Need more space? A room addition contractor in Thousand Oaks could be just what you need to add living space and increase the future resale value of your home. With modern entertainment systems and flat screen television an old media nook may best be turned into storage space or restored back to floor space. And there are many similar things that could be done to give your home a more comfortable feeling than it gives in its current condition. We streamline the process of design and permit issuance, as needed, for your job, to build your dream home from any current configuration.
Oftentimes interior kitchen remodeling doesn’t call for major construction, but just refreshing the existing floor plan with new materials, countertops, custom paint, molding, flooring materials, etc. Our design team is just as proficient in bringing creative and affordable options to these types of projects. We think of a home as an artist would think of a blank canvas. We see what can be made from scratch, using the creative thoughts of inspiration and quality craftsmanship.
We think of ourselves as artisans, and will collaborate together with you, the homeowner, to create what suits your needs and fulfills your creative urges. This includes the practical and functional as well as the aesthetic.
Contact us for a free consultation!